1) The Parish Online Census link is open for families who have not registered earlier as well as other parishioners who wish to edit their family details. The link will be kept open till 31st January. For more details contact your animators and sector PPC.
2) Youth Mass tomorrow Sunday, 19th January at 6:45pm. Celebrant: Fr. Brian D’souza SJ. Encouraging all youth to kindly attend and be seated in Church.
3) On the occasion of Christian Unity Octave, the Christian Unity Prayer Service is being held on Monday, 20th Januay from 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm in the St. Paul VI Hall. Speaker is Methodist Pastor Reverend Yogesh Myclwar. All are invited
4) The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered to our Confirmands by His Lordship, Bp. Allwyn D’silva on Friday, 24th January at 6:00 pm. Kindly keep our candidates in prayer. There will be no mass at 7 pm.
5) No children's mass and Sunday School on 26th January and no mass at St. Thomas on 25th January and 1st February.
6) On Republic Day Sunday 26th January, Bombay Catholic Sabha will conduct the unfurling of the flag at 7.30 am in the quadrangle. All are requested to attend.
7) Sunday, 26th January, the Bible Cell is conducting a Bible Quiz in various sectors on the Gospel according of St. John. Encouraging all parishioners to participate. Further details with your Parish Counsellor.
8) Pre-Baptism session will be conducted on February 02nd & 09th at Sophia School from 9 am to 1 pm. Chosen Godparents also need to register and attend both the days. Registration forms and further details available in the parish office from 20th January.
9) We congratulate our Altar Servers Girls Dodge Ball Team for winning the 3rd place in the Dodge Ball tournament held for the Archdiocese last Sunday at St. Pius X Seminary, Goregaon.
10) An important announcement: After careful consideration and consultation with the relevant committees and experts, we have decided to replace the current temporary structure in the church extension with a more permanent and sturdy one. We will ensure that no graves will be affected and the graveyard will remain accessible throughout the construction. We assure all parishioners that the work will be carried out with utmost respect for the graves and the sentiments of all families. Refer the notice board for a more details.