Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

13 Oct 2024

1. Dispelling Myths about Eyes – talk by Dr. Abhijeet Desai renowned Eye Specialist tomorrow/ today Sunday 13th October in St. Paul VI Hall at 11 am conducted by IC Healthcare Centre in collaboration with Children for Christ. Specially targeting parents of young children, teenagers, youth and young adults. Please attend in large numbers

2. Youth Mass next Sunday, 20th October at 6:45 pm. Celebrant: Fr. Harold Quadros. Encouraging all Youth to attend and be seated in Church.

3. Hindi mass is scheduled on 20th October at 4.15 pm.

4. Sunday 20th October is Mission Sunday. The collection at all the masses will be sent to the Archbishop’s House. Cheques to be drawn in favour of : Archdiocese of Bombay – Society for the Propagation of Faith.

5. On-line admissions to Don Bosco School (C.B.S.E.) for Nursery & Junior KG for academic year 2025-2026 from 16th October. Details available on the school website & notice board.

6. No mass at St Thomas Church on Saturdays 26th October and 2nd November

7. For Parish Feast Day Stalls refer the Banner in the quadrangle for details.

8. Bible Diary 2025 is now available at Pauline Book & Media Centre. On 1st & 2nd November the Pauline Sisters will make it available to us on sale in the quadrangle. Make sure to get your copy

9. Citizen Credit Co-operative Bank Ltd., announces Annual Awards for academic excellence for the year 2023-24 to be held on December 06th. The Bank is also recruiting Professional and Junior Associates in various positions. Contact the nearest Branch for further details.

Parish Priest